Janelle Malone

Licensed Real Estate Agent Inverloch3996 | @realty

Mobile: 0438 859 560

Janelle Malone is a fully licensed real estate agent & auctioneer based in Inverloch Victoria. Janelle has over 25 years of commercial property experience in both Australia and the Middle East. Janelle Founded Inverloch 3996 (www.inverloch3996.com) with her husband Leo Edwards in 2014 after her return from Dubai. Inverloch 3996 is a digital lifestyle platform that reaches an audience of up to 30,000 people weekly who either live in or love Inverloch.

Janelle recognises that the current landscape of how real estate is being viewed and sold is heavily skewed by the agents' success in their online reach. Together with her husband Leo they have pioneered a new way to list, market and sell homes in Inverloch and Inverloch 3996 @realty has been voted as one of Australia's Top 20 Digital Agents. Janelle holds qualifications with the Real Estate Institute of Victoria and a Bachelor of Business in Marketing with RMIT.

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Janelle Malone

Licensed Real Estate Agent Inverloch3996 | @realty

Inverloch3996 | @realty

Inverloch, 3996

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